To make you grow does not come automatically! To grow any plant naturally, you need to water it, you need to get sun to it and you need to fertilize the soil. This means taking leadership to you yourself. You take action to intentionally feed yourself with building words from Gods word and also inspired words from others, together with having time with God through your spirit for the Sun to make the words live and personal – we might call it digesting the words!
To make it grow us we will need to dwell on it, repeat it, memorize it and speak it. When this is done in meditation and prayer the Spirit of God will “fertilize” the soil, our hearts, so that the seed of the word will bring forth fruits in our life.
In Joshua 1,8 God speaks to us like this: “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Here God himself shows the way to “be prosperous and successful.”
Taking action is the final step in breaking the limits on your success. A leader takes action himself – he is a self-starter! God said: “be careful to do everything written!” When you take action you enforce leadership on yourself. That will lift off your limits and clear the way for even greater success in life!